Year: 2015


Several weeks ago, a new magazine appeared in my waiting room. It is called GENOME. It is also available online at It is an interesting science magazine written for the general public and it features articles about genetics and cutting edge medicine. Just the ads from various cancer labs and hospitals will blow your mind. The Fall 2015 issue features an article entitled, Traces of the Past, concerning the emerging field of epigenetics. Epigenetics refers to molecular processes that leave durable marks on our DNA, altering the gene’s functioning independent of the DNA sequence.  If our genes are the instructions, then the epigenome is the punctuation. Some have likened the epigenome to software and the genome to computer hardware.

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The Teenage Brain

This month’s issue of Scientific American contains an interesting article entitled, The Amazing Teenage Brain. It seems that the teenage brain is no longer viewed as an incomplete, poorly developed adult brain but is characterized by flexibility or plasticity in its ability to readily adapt to changes in thought patterns and socialization. However, this flexibility brings with it susceptibility to dangerous behaviors and in some cases mental disorders. 

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My Comments To The FDA


Homeopathy was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. This traditional healing art is founded on the concept that there exists a homeostatic principle in all living things called the vital force or Dynamis.   In China, this force is called Chi, in Japan it is called Ki, and in India it is known as Prana.  So far, it has not been possible to directly measure this force; we only know it indirectly through its action on living tissue or biological systems.

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