
My Comments To The FDA


Homeopathy was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. This traditional healing art is founded on the concept that there exists a homeostatic principle in all living things called the vital force or Dynamis.   In China, this force is called Chi, in Japan it is called Ki, and in India it is known as Prana.  So far, it has not been possible to directly measure this force; we only know it indirectly through its action on living tissue or biological systems.

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Clearly the CDC and WHO dropped the ball on Ebola from the beginning. I think this is mostly due to being out of practice. We haven’t had a lethal epidemic potential in this country for over 100 years.  Its been that long since we were threatened by the likes of Spanish flu or smallpox. We knew how to do this but it is just too expensive to be constantly prepared for a lethal epidemic.  We did it by quarantining people at Ellis Island and then sending them to a smallpox hospital on Roosevelt island for 3 weeks. They either recovered or died. It was pretty harsh but we did what we had to do.

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Homeopathy and Influenza

Flu vaccine efficacy has been estimated by various studies to be between 30 – 70%. The reason for the less than 100% efficacy is a phenomenon called “antigenic drift”, namely that the surface proteins on the virus change in nature from the time the strains are selected in the Spring and the vaccine is manufactured in the late summer. Your immune system is being primed with inactivated viral strains whose surface features have changed in the months since the vaccine was manufactured.

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What is Holistic Medicine?

First, let me say what it is not. Holistic medicine is not alternative medicine whereby alternative substances such as herbs, vitamins, minerals and other supplements are used in place of conventional drugs. Neither is it complementary medicine whereby non-conventional therapies are added to mainstream medical practice. It is a philosophy, a way of practice in which understanding the entire person is required in order to prescribe a medication, in this case a homeopathic remedy. 

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