
Homeopathy and the Treatment of Epidemics

Since its inception in 1796, homeopathy has been used in the treatments of epidemic diseases. For example, in 1815 Hahnemann treated 180 patients during a typhus outbreak in Leipzig. He lost only 2 patients. Homeopathy was used during the Asiatic Cholera epidemic in St. Petersburg. Hahnemann’s nephew, a homeopathic physician, wrote to Hahnemann about the

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Cancer and Homeopathy

Although there are many references in the old and modern homeopathic literature about the treatment of cancer by homeopathic methods, most US homeopaths do not treat cancer. The reasons for this are several and varied but for me it is a matter of ethics. We simply do not have any clinical trials that would compare to the research of conventional methods of fighting cancer.  I don’t think it is ethical to offer homeopathy as the primary treatment for any malignancy.

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Several weeks ago, a new magazine appeared in my waiting room. It is called GENOME. It is also available online at genomemag.com. It is an interesting science magazine written for the general public and it features articles about genetics and cutting edge medicine. Just the ads from various cancer labs and hospitals will blow your mind. The Fall 2015 issue features an article entitled, Traces of the Past, concerning the emerging field of epigenetics. Epigenetics refers to molecular processes that leave durable marks on our DNA, altering the gene’s functioning independent of the DNA sequence.  If our genes are the instructions, then the epigenome is the punctuation. Some have likened the epigenome to software and the genome to computer hardware.

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My Comments To The FDA


Homeopathy was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. This traditional healing art is founded on the concept that there exists a homeostatic principle in all living things called the vital force or Dynamis.   In China, this force is called Chi, in Japan it is called Ki, and in India it is known as Prana.  So far, it has not been possible to directly measure this force; we only know it indirectly through its action on living tissue or biological systems.

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Clearly the CDC and WHO dropped the ball on Ebola from the beginning. I think this is mostly due to being out of practice. We haven’t had a lethal epidemic potential in this country for over 100 years.  Its been that long since we were threatened by the likes of Spanish flu or smallpox. We knew how to do this but it is just too expensive to be constantly prepared for a lethal epidemic.  We did it by quarantining people at Ellis Island and then sending them to a smallpox hospital on Roosevelt island for 3 weeks. They either recovered or died. It was pretty harsh but we did what we had to do.

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Chronic Headaches

Chronic headaches of many types can  be treated effectively with both homeopathy and osteopathy. These include tension headache, migraines, cluster headaches, daily persistent headaches as well as headaches which occur before and during the menstrual period, during sleep, after coughing and from exertion. Head pain and facial pain lasting from minutes to days, one sided and bilateral, will all yield to the combination of homeopathy and osteopathy. Conventional treatment is not geared toward cure but rather continued treatment with various drugs from NSAIDs such as Indomethacin, sumatriptan type drugs such as Imitrex, beta blockers such as Propranolol, seizure medication such as Topamax, as well as Lithium, caffeine, acetaminophen and aspirin. However, my goal is always to aim for cure, not life long treatment with drugs of any kind.

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New Cholesterol Guidelines

Back in November 2013, the American Heart Association issued new cholesterol guidelines that immediately created confusion and controversy for both patients and physicians. The committee reviewed many randomized controlled clinical trials that lead to the development of a risk calculator. Factors such as sex, age, race, total cholesterol, HDL (“good cholesterol”), systolic blood pressure, treatment for elevated blood pressure, diabetes and smoking are used to generate a 10 year risk number. If that number is greater than 7.5%, then the use of a statin is recommended. This is regardless of the level of  your LDL cholesterol (“bad cholesterol”).  In the past, target levels of total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol were the major parameters used. The committee also announced that life style modification is the  first line of treatment but also stated that no other drugs, supplements or vitamins should be used, just a statin.

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